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Category: Intolerances

5 Benefits to Getting a Test for Food Intolerance

There are a lot of tests out there that are waiting for you to take them. Since you’ve only got limited time and effort, you’ll want to make sure that you’ve got that list focused on what you need to get done. Should a test for food intolerance be on there? Only you can tell […]

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Non-Coeliac vs Coeliac Gluten Intolerance

It feels as though only a few people in our lives are dealing with gluten intolerance. You’ll often hear about lactose intolerance, but not usually gluten intolerance. However, it’s on the rise in our modern society, and a proper understanding of it is going to help determine whether a test is needed. For example, there […]

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What is IgG Testing?

Our bodies are working at communicating with us all the time. Sometimes that communication is clear (such as having a fever and needing to rest), and other times it’s more mysterious (feeling off after eating a meal). A key part of understanding what our bodies are trying to say is to open the lines of […]

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Food Sensitivity Testing vs Elimination Diet

You’ve got to take it on yourself to treat your body right. When you are looking for guidance on how best to do that, it makes sense that you’re looking at something as specialized and personalized as food sensitivity testing. In researching, it’s not uncommon to hear about an elimination diet as a way to […]

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Where To Test For Food Sensitivity

So, you’ve decided that you need to look at getting a food sensitivity test done. Congratulations! This is an excellent first step to being able to enjoy a better overall quality of life and, of course, a better relationship with food. Now the thing you have to decide is where to test for food sensitivity. […]

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Is It Lactose Intolerance Or Dairy Intolerance?

You owe it to yourself to take proper care of your body. When you take care of it, it takes care of you. When it comes to what that actual care is, food intolerances play an integral role. Enjoying food without fear of symptoms means that you have to understand what the food intolerance relates […]

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