5 Unusual Food Intolerances (and what to do about them) - Test Your Intolerance New Zealand

Finding out that you’ve got a food intolerance means that you have to learn to adapt your life in order to avoid any flare-ups of symptoms. Even if your intolerance is mild, you should still make sure that you understand how to search for — and avoid — any foods that are causing you a problem. You probably are familiar with the common food intolerances like lactose and gluten, but what about the many others that aren’t so common? We’ve pulled together a list of 5 unusual intolerances that could be causing you a problem. You’ll also learn what to do about them to give you back your quality of life again.

Uncommon and missed food intolerances

Realistically, there are hundreds of things that the body can be intolerant to. Some are more common than others, of course. Here are some of the strangest ones that you may not have even known about.

  1. Nightshades: While it sounds like a code made to a secret spy mission, this is actually the name used to describe many kinds of plants. Common examples in this category are peppers, goji berries and even spices. These examples all contain alkaloids, which is actually what the intolerance would be to. In this case, you’d need to avoid any vegetables, fruits or spices that contain alkaloids. Or, limit it as much as possible.
  2. Soybean oil: Common in manufacturing nuts and seeds as well as use in other products, this hard-hitting oil causes inflammation in those who are often allergic or intolerant to nuts. While these two intolerances are separate, soybean oil can be its own intolerance and can be avoided by going with unprocessed nuts and seeds in a store.
  3. Watermelon: You can have an intolerance to watermelon just like you would with any other kind of fruit such as apples or bananas. Watermelon contains FODMAPs, which creates a lot of discomfort in the body. In this case, watermelon should e limited or avoided. When in doubt, enjoy simulated watermelon flavouring instead of real.
  4. Soy: Soy is often used as a dairy replacement for those who are allergic or intolerant to dairy. Or, it could be used as a meat substitute such as in tofu. But you can also be intolerant to soy and all of its products due to its rich make-up that can create inflammation just like all other kinds of beans. Other alternatives should be sourced in these cases.
  5. Gluten-free grains: It’s one thing to be intolerant to gluten, but gluten-free grains too? Yes, it is more than possible. In fact, it could be that you actually have an intolerance or grains rather than the gluten in the original ones. In this case, an elimination diet could be helpful.

Need more support? Get a test

If you’re feeling in over your head, the best way to know for sure what you’re dealing with is to get a food intolerance test. They’re easy and designed to give you a list of sensitivities as well as the severity of each one. This can help you start out an effective elimination diet so that you can get back to enjoying your relationship with food symptom-free and much more knowledgeable about your body and its needs.