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Intolerance Blog

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The Study of Botany and Blood Tests

The Study of Botany and Blood Tests

Plants are an important part of human survival; we use them for food and, in some areas of the world, even for housing. With plants, survival for most living beings is possible. Botany is a biology branch that studies plants, their properties, structure, and biochemical properties. The findings and principles stemming from botany study also […]

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New Year, Healthier You: Learn How

Every single day, we have a chance to be our best selves. Many of us think of the New Year as a great time to have a fresh start– and it is. If you want this year to be the perfect opportunity to be your healthiest self, you aren’t alone. Why not take a moment […]

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Celebrate Labour Day With Allergies And Intolerances

Celebrate Labour Day With Allergies And Intolerances

Getting together with loved ones for Labour Day is the best way to celebrate. From fun activities to delicious meals to fun and laughter, it’s all about bringing together the best elements to celebrate in style. Labour Day in NZ is centered around celebration and time spent with loved ones while enjoying working day labour […]

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Food Intolerance Testing in New Zealand

Food Intolerance Testing in New Zealand

Allergies and intolerances are rampant globally. In New Zealand, allergies affect around 30-40% of the population. The most common cause of allergies is airborne dust mites, pollen and cockroach droppings. Food allergies are also common among children affecting around 10% of children below the age of 5. Food allergy and intolerance testing are essential for […]

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Can An Intolerance Test Help my Eczema?

Sometimes that your body makes sense and sometimes it doesn’t. It’s not an issue with you necessarily, it’s just the reality that our bodies hare complex machines that require a lot of detail and data to work properly. One of the commonly misunderstood issues is that it’s thought that sensitivity to food — through an […]

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Common Food Intolerances You May Be Living With

Are you ready to learn about something pretty cool? More than likely, you could have a food intolerance. It’s thought that over 20% of the world’s population actually have a food intolerance, and that number is going only to rise as they get more and more popular in infants, children and adults. While there are […]

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