Should I Get A Food Intolerance Test or Allergy Test? - Test Your Intolerance New Zealand

While it’s nice to think that our bodies are always going to tell us what’s wrong, the reality is often very different. Or, our perception is different at least; our bodies are, in fact, often trying to tell us something and we are not aware of their signs. This is what makes both an intolerance test and an allergy test so important. We are able to make changes that our bodies need by listening to what they’re trying to tell us. So, which test do you need? An intolerance test or an allergy test?

Intolerance Test vs Allergy Test

Food intolerance and a food allergy are very different reactions in the body. A food intolerance is related to digestion. It means that your body is unable to digest a certain food ingredient effectively. While uncomfortable, it doesn’t injure your body to eat something you’re intolerant to in small portions or once in a while.

A food allergy, on the other hand, is an immune system response in which your body perceives food as a threat and attacks it. This causes physiological symptoms such as digestive issues, or it could cause issues with the lungs or inflammation in the skin.

Getting the right test will help make sure that you are taking the right path in avoiding or limiting the food that is causing the problem.

  • Intolerance test: If you notice symptoms appearing a while after you are eating a meal, this is a sign of an intolerance. Often, those symptoms include flatulence, bloating, digestive issues or diarrhea. The severity of those symptoms can shift according to how much of the food that you eat as well. An intolerance test will help you figure out how severe the reaction is and how to best avoid it.
  • Allergy test: An allergy often involves the reactions in the body beside digestive ones, though those are common too. Rashes such as hives are frequent, and they will pop up immediately after eating the allergen in most cases. Other symptoms could include a tingling mouth or throat. Sometimes the heart can speed up as well. Coughing, itching eyes and wheezing are also allergic reaction symptoms. If you notice these appearing almost immediately, it’s a sign that it is an allergy and not an intolerance.

Both intolerances and allergies are important health conditions that should be taken seriously. Even if you are sure that you have an intolerance and not an allergy, it’s always best to rule it out by taking an allergy test. This is especially so if someone in your gene pool has food allergies as well.

Regardless of which test you determine is right for you, you’ll be able to hear everything that your body is trying to tell you in clear terms that you can make work for you. The better you understand your body, the better care you will take of it. Most importantly, a healthy body will make you healthier and happier overall. All it takes is choosing the right test to get the job done.