To help you understand your results fully we’ve compiled this guide.
Your test is broken down into various sections which details your current sensitivity, deficiency and/or imbalance by category. There are seven different categories;

How Your Results Appear
Red Items
When the sensitivity item has a red marker against it this means that your test indicated a potentially high reaction to that particular item. We advise you to completely remove or avoid this item and products which contain it during an elimination diet of 4 weeks.

Amber Items
An amber marker means that your test has produced evidence of a moderate level of sensitivity to that item. You may want to consider including this item in those foods avoided during your elimination diet.

Green Items
We also report any foods to which you showed low or no sensitivity, they will show in green with a low percentage alongside as below.
A green marker is good news! Your test has shown little or no evidence of reaction to that item. You can continue to enjoy this particular item.

The items will be grouped together in the categories listed above. It will look something like this (bear in mind the different colour sections will be differently sized depending on how many items fit into each section for you).

What Causes A Moderate or High Reaction?
You may be alarmed to see that some of your favourite foods register as moderate or high sensitivity items. A sensitivity can be the result of overexposure to or overconsumption of a particular substance. Again, by simply following an elimination diet, your body will detox and rebalance, which helps you restore your tolerance levels and reintroduce the foods you love.
If you still feel discomfort after 4 weeks of the elimination diet, we would suggest you avoid the items for a further few weeks, reintroducing each item individually, to identify which substance is still causing you problems.
Report Categories Explained
Food Intolerance Items
The first category reported is food items. This is fairly self-explanatory. The food items are the foods reported as potential sensitivities. If you register a moderate or high sensitivity to any foods, we advise you use the principles of the elimination diet to restore your tolerance levels to these foods.
Non-Food Intolerance Items
This category includes inhalant and other non-food substances you may come into contact without consuming them orally (e.g. trees, plants, flowers, pollen, animals, moulds, fibres etc.). Monitoring your exposure to non-food items is more difficult than eliminating foods from your diet as many of them are everywhere and are too small to see. Knowing your non-food sensitivities can help you control your exposure to the best of your abilities.
We understand it is difficult to completely avoid physical contact with some the items listed. Hence we recommend trying to reduce your exposure during the elimination period (e.g. don’t touch plants, avoid fields, dust and clean more regularly to remove dust and moulds, ventilation of rooms, hoovering more often, don’t wear clothes containing fibres you’re sensitive to) and then reintroduce yourself to the substances gradually upon completion.
If you are a pet owner and you just found out you’re highly sensitive to your pet, PLEASE DO NOT GET RID OF THEM. Focus on eliminating your other high sensitivity items and your body will likely re-balance itself. However, if you are experiencing any severe allergic symptoms to any items in your report, we recommend one of our allergy tests and consulting your GP.
Please bear in mind if you are currently highly sensitive to non-food item (e.g. apple tree), it does NOT include the food item (apples). Food items are tested separately and level of sensitivity is displayed in the Food section. So for example in case of high sensitivity to “Apple Tree” in non-food section, we recommend to avoid/reduce physical contact with this particular tree and its pollen. You are still fine to consume apples, unless food section shows otherwise (high sensitivity to it). And this applies vice versa.

Metal Intolerance Items
This test is measuring your sensitivity to potentially toxic metals in your body. Metals can be found in many foods and drinking water so it is important to be aware of your personal sensitivities. You may have to take measures to avoid them.
If your are highly sensitive to one of the metal items tested, you should avoid consumption or exposure to it. Look at labels to see which metals are in foods or other products.

Minerals And Nutrient Items
This test is slightly different in that it is assessing your deficiencies. Using your personal results you can identify the nutrients and minerals that you’re currently deficient in. Based on this you can then introduce foods that will help you redress that deficiency.

Gut Biome
Your gut biome is the bacteria which colonises your gut. These bacteria can affect health both positively and negatively. This test identifies deficiencies and imbalances. Your report suggests food sources that will help you increase your levels of various bacteria.

Hormonal Imbalance
Hormone levels are constantly going up and down as they’re affected by a wide range of external factors including stress, diet, medication, pregnancy and many more. This test identifies any hormones in a state of imbalance. Hormone balance can be a good indicator of health so balance tends to be improved by making traditional health improves such as exercise and diet.

Digestive health and metabolism analysis
Enzymes are essential to digestive health as they are the things in the body that metabolise food, helping you get all the nutrients out of the foods you’re eating. This affects fat storage and vitamin absorption. Your test will identify any current imbalance in the enzymes tested.

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What else is in my report?
Think your symptoms could be an allergy? We also offer comprehensive blood tests.
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