Healthy State | Test Your Intolerance New Zealand | Blog | Fitness

Around the world, there is already a load of content and advice on how to get the best out of your health. But people are always telling you what you should be eating, rather than why you should be eating. Don’t get us wrong, we believe you should be in a healthy state. BUT, we know that everyone is unique and so one diet may not work for another. Due to food allergies and intolerances, this has made the ultimate healthy diet almost impossible. An intolerance test is one of the first things you should do to try and optimise your diet, tailored to you.

What is ‘being healthy’?

Most people consider being in a healthy state to be about the prevention of diseases, the promotion of feeling better overall and generally enjoying life. But what impact are allergies and intolerances having on people being able to do exercise and eat healthily? The benefits of a healthy diet also go deeper than that when it comes down to the smaller, unique details of an individual.

As you will notice when canvassing opinion from other people around the world, “healthy” means something different to each and every one of us, even if you wouldn’t have thought so beforehand. Some people consider an individual’s weight to be the primary factor in judging health. Some people consider stamina and some people consider mental states to be the key indicator. Here’s what you really need to know about the benefits of a healthy diet, and what it means for you specifically.

Find out what your “ healthy state ” is

As briefly mentioned above, “healthy” doesn’t mean the same thing for everyone. Depending on where and who you are, being healthy can mean so many things. a prime example is the BMI that you often hear mentioned in weight loss programs. What does it actually mean? Some people are fit and healthy but they do not seem to be in line with the recommended BMI. It is also subjective, apart from when it comes to allergies and intolerances.

While it is important to keep an eye on your BMI and generally use it as a rule of thumb for what range your weight should be in, it is just a number and should be treated as such. Your intolerance symptoms and allergy symptoms are also a crucial factor in improving your healthy state. This is also the case with common foods and portions. What is too much for one person, may not be too much for another.

Likewise, cheat days may work for some people, but maybe they don’t work for you. It works both ways, a piece of fruit could leave you feeling under the weather and bloated, but this is normally considered to be healthy…

Regardless of how you look at it, “healthy” means something different to everyone — from the body to mind and back again — so understanding what it means for you as an individual is the first step to, well, getting there.

Try intolerance or allergy testing

If being in a healthy state is one of the most important things in your life, then an intolerance test would be perfect. This will help you learn what foods are good for you and what foods are bad for you. Try to understand potential weaknesses and issues, and work to evolve your diet and optimise it. Allowing yourself the chance to completely revolutionise your diet is something allergy and intolerance testing could help you do.

For example, you may have a food allergy or food intolerance that you either have never encountered or kept assuming was from other issues. Understanding what’s really going on can help you to keep the focus on your overall health. Take the time to get allergy and intolerance tests done so that you can take better care of yourself and avoid those symptoms that you never really could understand before.

Avoid those listed allergens and intolerances:

To be in your best healthy state, you will need to avoid food allergens and intolerant items. Doing an elimination diet is what we recommend in this case. You can also make a food diary to help you track what you are eating. When you know what the problem is, and where it comes from, you can avoid it and enjoy being in a better overall healthy state.

For more information on intolerance and allergy testing, Test Your Intolerance New Zealand has a wealth of information on its site. Find out the best diet for you right here.