Home Allergy Test: 4 steps to take when going against the grain in New Zealand

Throughout New Zealand, more and more people are claiming to have an intolerance to wheat. Do you think you may have an intolerance to wheat? Have a look at what steps we advise you take in order to cope with your wheat intolerance, including a home allergy test.

1) Take a Home Allergy Test

Sending us a sample of your hair, we can analyse your hair and tell you exactly what food and non-food items you are intolerant to. Testing your intolerances with our home allergy test will help you realise that what you have been putting into your body will have been affecting the way you feel. If you’ve been experiencing bloat, fatigue and tiredness, then our home allergy test will tell you why. If you eat a lot of wheat-based products and we highlight that you are intolerant to wheat, then there is your answer.

2) Eliminating Wheat from your diet

Upon receiving their results from us, many people are shocked and dismayed at finding out they have a wheat intolerance. It is not the end of the world though, as even though their diet was based entirely around wheat, there are solutions. Our home allergy test will reveal your intolerances, and customers are able to find out exactly which items they are allergic to. Our customer satisfaction rate backs this up!

3) Being careful and sensible

No one likes to be told to be careful and sensible, but it could be a life-changer. If you develop a wheat intolerance, it could be because you have overindulged or been overexposed to wheat. Foods are becoming increasingly advanced thanks to technology, and the way they are made and the ingredients that are being introduced are mind-blowing. As exciting as this is, it does mean that you must be careful when scanning the products you have bought for wheat-based ingredients.

4) Find alternatives

Cutting out wheat can be irritating, but if your home allergy test has revealed that you have an intolerance to wheat, it is beneficial. However, despite cutting out wheat, you can still eat rice, oats, corn, rye and barley, it is not all bad. Remember, many supermarkets around the world, and particularly in New Zealand will offer a wheat-free alternative to many products, including bread!

Essentially, learning that you have a wheat intolerance is not the end of the world. Taking a home allergy test with Test Your Intolerance New Zealand will highlight all the other items that you have an intolerance to. This means you can alter your diet accordingly and be free of the symptoms that have been holding you back. A wheat-free diet could make you a happier and healthier you!

If you are considering taking part in a home allergy test, then please take a look around www.testyourintolerance.nz. If you want to learn more about becoming a happier, healthier you, then you can speak to our Customer Service advisors on a 24/5 basis through LiveChat, as they are always happy to help.