Kate Young, Author at Test Your Intolerance New Zealand - Page 3 of 9

Kate Young, BSc

Lab Manager

Posts by Kate Young:

Non-Coeliac vs Coeliac Gluten Intolerance

It feels as though only a few people in our lives are dealing with gluten intolerance. You’ll often hear about lactose intolerance, but not usually gluten intolerance. However, it’s on the rise in our modern society, and a proper understanding of it is going to help determine whether a test is needed. For example, there […]

What is IgG Testing?

Our bodies are working at communicating with us all the time. Sometimes that communication is clear (such as having a fever and needing to rest), and other times it’s more mysterious (feeling off after eating a meal). A key part of understanding what our bodies are trying to say is to open the lines of […]

Food Intolerance Testing for Psoriasis

A lot of skin conditions can be traced back to diet. While what you eat often does determine how your body looks and feels, it does go further than a healthy versus an unhealthy diet. In many cases, there can be a connection between skin conditions and food intolerances, whether known or unknown. This is […]

Food Sensitivity Testing vs Elimination Diet

You’ve got to take it on yourself to treat your body right. When you are looking for guidance on how best to do that, it makes sense that you’re looking at something as specialized and personalized as food sensitivity testing. In researching, it’s not uncommon to hear about an elimination diet as a way to […]

Where To Test For Food Sensitivity

So, you’ve decided that you need to look at getting a food sensitivity test done. Congratulations! This is an excellent first step to being able to enjoy a better overall quality of life and, of course, a better relationship with food. Now the thing you have to decide is where to test for food sensitivity. […]

5 Signs of Food Intolerance and How to Tackle It

Eating is something that makes most of us happy. A night out with friends or a fun afternoon treat out at the shops: food is often the centre point of our lives, even if we aren’t necessarily aware of it. This often changes when you are dealing with a food intolerance. These can develop over […]

Can I Test My Pet for Allergies?

Your pet is part of your family, and now you can treat him or her like royalty, specifically in their health. We understand that you want to make sure that you know everything about your dog or cat’s health, just like you would want to know about your own son or daughter’s health. That’s specifically […]