2018 - Page 4 of 4 - Test Your Intolerance New Zealand

Alternatives to Dairy Products

Dairy products such as milk and cheese, are great sources of calcium along with many other essential nutrients our body needs to stay happy and healthy. Unfortunately, dairy products can also cause some people pain and discomfort if they are experiencing an...

Allergies vs Intolerances

Allergies vs Intolerances An increasing number of adults in the US are self-diagnosing themselves with a food allergy – but it’s most likely to be a food hypersensitivity or intolerance. Allergies and Intolerances are completely different – we’re here to discuss the...

Detoxing after overindulging

Have you been celebrating Easter over the weekend? If so, you have probably indulged in some food and drink with your family and friends. You may have even *over*indulged… and hey, that’s fine, it happens to the best of us, but we wanted to share our top tips for a...

Our top 5 intolerances!

Test Your Intolerance have found that the Top 5 intolerances that our valued customers fall culprit to is dairy, wheat, nuts, eggs and pollen.  We understand that having a food intolerance can make life difficult sometimes. We want to make life easier for you so that...

Lactose intolerance

Lactose intolerance Nowadays many people worldwide suffer from Lactose intolerance, which is also one of the most common intolerances in New Zealand. The good news is that we are used to milk products in New Zealand and therefore only a small amount of the population...

Gluten intolerance in NZ

Gluten is a complex protein that can be found in barley, wheat, oats, and rye, amongst other foods.  It is formed when water is mixed with the two proteins called glutenin and gliadin.  You can find gluten in a lot of dough products, such as cakes and bread.  It is...

Bread alternatives for gluten free diet

Western people, including people from New Zealand suffer more and more from food intolerances, including gluten intolerance. If you suffer from digestive issues like bloating, gas, diarrhoea or even constipation and if you often have headaches or the feeling of being...